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来源:本站 作者:管理员 日期:2020/7/16 23:06:41


Traditional Chinese medicine is the quintessence of our country."China National Medicine day" is to commemorate the victory of theresistance of the Chinese medicine against the case of "Abolishingtraditional Chinese medicine", and hope that traditional Chinese medicinecan carry forward the glory and benefit mankind in China and even the world.


The origin of national medicine day:


China National Medicine day, also known as "China NationalMedicine Festival". Originated in Shanghai, China. In 1929, Yu Yunxiu, thehead of the health institutions of the Kuomintang government, put forward at aworking conference: cancel the old medicine (at that time, the traditionalChinese medicine was called the old medicine), and completely deny thetraditional Chinese medicine. If the elimination of old medicine is determinedand the treatment of diseases can only be western medicine and Westernmedicine, the traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years in China willbe abandoned. This is the infamous case of abolishing traditional Chinesemedicine.


At that time, this event caused a great vibration in the medicalfield, and many Chinese medicine people protested and lobbied in succession.The spring and autumn of the medical field, sponsored by Zhang zanchen, afamous Chinese medicine in Shanghai, launched a protest against thecancellation of the old medicine for this reason, which was published as"struggle of the Chinese medicine field". On March 17, 1929, therewere more than 200 groups in 17 provinces and cities, 300 representativesgathered in Shanghai, held a conference, chanted "against the abolition oftraditional Chinese medicine", "long live Chinese medicine" andother slogans, and expressed the people's feelings and voices in various ways.In the end, the Kuomintang government had to withdraw its decision to cancelthe old medicine.


In order to commemorate the victory of this fight, and hope thattraditional Chinese medicine can promote Everbright and benefit mankind inChina and even in the world, people in the medical community will designateMarch 17 as the "Chinese national medicine Festival".


Related customs and activities:


Every year on the national medicine day, major cities across thecountry hold various activities to celebrate.

17日是“中国国医日”, 合肥三位“国医大师”和十多位著名老中医将全天为市民把脉,纪念这一中医界节日。

On the 17th, the "national medicine day of China", Hefei'sthree "national medicine masters" and more than a dozen famous oldChinese doctors will keep the pulse of the public all day to commemorate thistraditional Chinese medicine Festival.


In order to promote the healthy and rapid development of traditionalChinese medicine in the whole city, on March 14, Datong Hospital of traditionalChinese medicine in Shanxi Province organized a symposium to commemorate"3.17" China National Medicine day in the whole city。


Significance and impact:


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an original medical systemgradually formed and continuously developed by the Chinese nation in thousandsof years of production and living practice and in the struggle againstdiseases. Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history in China, with highpractical value and rich scientific content. It is an important part of China'smedicine treasure house. It is not only China's excellent cultural heritage,but also the world's excellent cultural heritage.


As early as the Qin and Han Dynasties, traditional Chinese medicinespread to Korea, Japan and Vietnam. In the Han Dynasty, rhubarb, a traditionalChinese medicine, was exported to Europe. In the Tang Dynasty, many countriessent people to China to study traditional Chinese medicine. The medicinalmaterials introduced to India in Tang Dynasty include ginseng, Poria cocos,angelica, Yuanzhi, Aconitum, etc., which are called "ShenzhouShangyao". From the 1st to the 5th century, Chinese alchemy was introducedto Arab countries many times, and from the 7th to the 8th century, it wasintroduced to Europe from Arab countries. By the 10th century, the Song Dynastyhad been trading with more than 50 countries overseas, and the varieties andquantity of Chinese medicine transported abroad had increased greatly. Inaddition, a special export agency for Chinese medicine, the municipal shippingdepartment, had been set up in Guangzhou. The travels of Marco Polo recordedthat a large number of Chinese medicinal materials were transported to Aden bymerchants and then to Alexandria in North Africa. From 1405 to 1433, MingChengzu sent Zheng He to lead a huge Chinese fleet to the South and the Westseven times, exporting a large number of medicinal materials. It was praised asthe encyclopedia compendium of Materia Medica in the 16th century by Darwin, aBritish biologist. It spread to Japan and Europe in the 17th century, and thenit was selected or completely translated into Japanese, Korean, Latin, French,English, Russian and other languages, becoming an important internationalscientific literature


It can be seen that traditional Chinese medicine not only has a longhistory in China, but also has spread to all parts of the world earlier, and isdeeply welcomed by the people of all countries and regions.
